The Guidance and Testing Center
The guidance program is geared towards the attainment of the RVM goals of education and the development of Christian personality that is cultured and virtuous ready to face the challenges and changes of times. It assists the students in achieving maximum development of their potentials both in academic and non-academic aspects and enables them to become functional, work-oriented, productive and self-directing individuals. It helps them better understand their strengths and limitations and enable them to adjust to their social and emotional needs towards everyday life.
The guidance office offers the following services:
Individual Inventory Service. This service aims to gather information about the student that will help her/him know and understand herself/himself and assist the teachers, counselors, administrators and parents in understanding the students.
Testing Service. This service helps the student assess and understand his/her abilities, capacities, interests, personality and pressing concerns. It is also a useful tool for the counselors as basis for guidance and counseling and helps diagnose behavioral and emotional problems that affect school performance.
Information Service. This service provides valid information which are educational, social, personal and occupational in nature so that the student may be able to develop his/her decision making competencies. It is implemented through Group Guidance and information materials are also made available to the student through the Guidance bulletin board.
Orientation Service. This service assists new students and transferees in becoming at home in their new environment. Talks on various topics that deal with adjusting to college life and the various programs and services that the Guidance Center offers are discussed. Old students are also reoriented with the various Guidance programs and services through their student assemblies, group guidance and classroom sessions.
Counseling Service. Respect for the dignity of the person and recognition of individual differences underlie this service. This service is rendered through individual counseling, group counseling, home visits, referrals. The latter is rendered to anyone in difficult situation needing specialized counseling or advising. Counseling may be walk in, referred or call in.
Follow up Service. Follow up service focuses on the graduates, school learners and counseled students. It hopes to look into the effectiveness and adequacy of the guidance program and the educational program in general.
Service to Faculty. The teachers and counselors are partners in helping the students go through the process of integral development according to their God given talents and potentials. This service aims to identify students with difficulties and share with faculty appropriate individual data of students. Teachers are also assisted in utilizing students’ data to the best interest of the student. Through meetings with the teachers, they are assisted in understanding their students and discovering ways of handling them
Homeroom Guidance. The permissive atmosphere in the classroom during the homeroom session promotes an atmosphere of freedom, trust and security. This affords them the opportunity to explore themselves, their potentials and capabilities. The guidance counselors for each grade level schedules a session with class once a month. This gives the counselor a firsthand contact with the students in the classroom.